Saturday, October 22

Welcome to Higher hacks. A blog devoted to helping University and College students around the world get the most out of the school, college, University and even work based IT environments.

Anyone can submit a higher hack, all you have to do is send as an email describing the hack to us, what it does, and roughly how it works, and what's required. Chances are if it hasn't been posted all ready we'll post it up for the rest of the readers to enjoy and tinker with.

Plus we are looking for writers! This is no paid pig neither does it involve that much work, it's for the sheer joy of hacking, and pissing off system admins. So if you think you've got the L33t technical skills, along with the literary skills drop us a line. As long as you can write in English, your eligible. Applicants will need to write a brief paragraph or two describing there technical skills and experience.

Remember that we're aren't responsible for anything you decide to do, based on what you may or may not have seen here, so please use your own discretion when undertaking higher hacks.

Blogger Unknown said...

The only place for l33t hacxor's

3:27 pm  

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